Debian Iso Download For Macbook Pro

Download the first CD or DVD image file, write it using a CD/DVD recorder (or a USB stick on i386 and amd64 ports), and then reboot from that. The first CD/DVD disk contains all the files necessary to install a standard Debian system. Boot Linux from a USB flash drive on a Macbook Posted on 14 January 2014 by AstroFloyd In order to install Linux on the replacement of a crashed hard-disc drive in a 2006 Macbook Core duo, I wanted to boot Linux from a USB flash drive in order to then install it. A bit about me I have run this install about a dozen times on my mac, with various different changes along the way. I can finally say I found the perfect way to install Linux, specifically Debian Jessie, on a mac. So now let’s actually get started. The below installation was done on my MacBook Pro Retina (15-inch, Late 2013).

This is a fast&furious how-to about installing Debian on a MacBook Pro Retina 15″ bought on January, 2014¹.
Please note that this how-to may become outdated: last update happened on 16 April, 2014.
Please note that this how-to involves dangerous operations: if you choose to follow this how-to your car may burn, your cat may rape your sister and you may buy a windows phone… no warranty!

I choose to install Debian Jessie 8.0 because:

Debian Iso Download For Macbook Pro Free

  • it offers better support to the MBP Retina recent hardware
  • it isn’t actually the stable release but it is pretty stable
  • Jessie will be freezed on November 5 (“Remember, remember, the fifth of November!”) and will become the next stable release in about a year (May 2015)

Debian Iso Download For Macbook Pro 7

Installing Debian on MacBook Pro Retina:

  1. download the Debian Jessie testing image ( and create a bootable USB (dd if=debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso of=/dev/sdX)
  2. boot your macbook pro holding down command+R
  3. use the disk utility, select the disk on the left panel (for example “251GB APPLE SSD”)
  4. on the partition scheme resize the “Macintosh HD” partition, drag the bottom right edge of the partition scheme up unless you have enought space for Debian (I’ve reserved only 50 GB to MacOSX because I really don’t use it), apply
  5. insert the Debian USB, reboot and hold down the options key (aka alt), remember to connect the LAN adapter before boot to Debian installer (hotplug wont work and wifi needs a non-free firmware), use tg3 as kernel module for ethernet adapter if requested
  6. select the EFI Boot relative to your Debian USB key and continue with the Debian installer (please note that I’ve selected XFCE on advanced options as Desktop Environment)
  7. when the installer arrives at the partitioning step select to proceed manually
  8. you can create the common partitions (boot, swap, root) but I suggest to setup an encrypted system²
  9. complete the install and reboot, you can’t boot Debian at this point, boot MacOS and go further…
  10. download the rEFInd USB bootable version ( and create a bootable USB
  11. insert the rEFInd USB, reboot and hold down the options key (aka alt)
  12. select the EFI Boot relative to your rEFInd USB key, rEFInd should permit to you to boot your Debian
  13. if you can boot your Debian by the rEFInd USB key just return to MacOS and install rEFInd permanently (it’s easy and a good tutorial is available on its website)

Complete the installation:

  1. update your apt sources.list to include the non-free packages
  2. install additional packages³: apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree broadcom-sta-dkms
  3. reboot to use wifi and lan adapter
  4. to avoid random controller freeze you need to set a particular kernel boot option, edit /etc/default/grub and add the option libata.force=noncq (es. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet libata.force=noncq”) then reboot your system

Please note that the Intel video card works flawlessly, the Retina display is simply awasome but… but you need to adapt your desktop environment to use it on an high (very high) resolution (2880×1800), stay tuned, I will post about XFCE optimization for high DPI display as soon as I can! actually after some time spent to try to adapt XFCE on high resolution I’ve choose anyway to reduce the resolution to 1920×1200 mainly because most of the websites are not ready for high resolutions (low res design). This is not an XFCE fault, XFCE works well with high resolution4.

Please note that if you make use of kvm virtual machines you can be really disappointed about poor performance (install system base of Debian may take hours): don’t worry, you have to use the ext4 mount options nobarrier or barrier=0. If your vm is already installed simply update its /etc/fstab configuration. It’s a little more difficult to apply barrier=0 during installation:

Debian Iso Download For Macbook Pro Download

  1. start Debian installer on the virtual machine and go further
  2. when the filesystem is ready (aka when the installation of base system starts) use CTRL+ALT+2 combo to move on the kvm console
  3. type sendkey ctrl-alt-f2 to move on another terminal of the vm
  4. use CTRL+ALT+F1 to comeback on the vm and press enter to start activate the command line
  5. execute the command mount -o remount,barrier=0 /target to disable the ext4 barrier feature
  6. use CTRL+ALT+F2 combo to return on the kvm console
  7. type sendkey ctrl-alt-f1 to return on the usual installation wizard of the vm
  8. use CTRL+ALT+F1 to comeback on the vm and complete the installation

If you want to use an external monitor no problem, just apply your custom setup with the xrandr command, for example:
xrandr --output DP1 --mode 1920x1080 --output eDP1 --mode 1920x1200 --below DP1
Run xrandr without arguments to list your screen(s), their names and their available modes.

Digimon fire red gba download. Happy hacking!

2014-03-21 added libata.force=noncq custom kernel option
2014-03-21 added some info about my challenge to use XFCE on Retina
2014-03-21 added some note about problems about KVM virtual machines
2014-04-13 added some info about the use of an external monitor
2014-04-16 fixed some typos and fixed last update date

¹lspci of the MacBook Pro Retina 15″ used to produce this tutorial:

²create an encrypted system

  1. create a small ext4 boot partition (1G)
  2. create an encrypted partition in the remaining space
  3. create an LVM group in the encrypted partition
  4. create two logical LVM partitions: the swap partition (double the size of your RAM), the root ext4 partition

³firmware package includes tg3 and broadcom package build the wl module needed for the wifi card

4you need to properly set the XFCE dpi option and you need to rebuild the composer theme because it uses raw images to compose its windows (download source package xfwm4-themes, edit the theme makefile and do some imagemagick tricks, feel free to ask if you are interested)

Mar 11, 2016
ASRock Z97 X4, 32GB DDR3 2400
nVidia GTX950 Strix
Classic Mac
Read the basics here:
On a Linux box (because it's probably easiest) make sure that 'makefs' is installed (say in the Synaptic Manager, or the software manager of your distro)
Download your favourite amd64 linux distro.
Create a folder, say in your Home -> Desktop directory.
COPY the downloaded distro to this folder.
Copy the .c script file, create a text file, paste, save as 'make_single_eltorito.c' (No quote marks)
Right click the copied distro file and go down to 'Properties'.
Click, select all, copy the file name
Close the Properties window
Edit the file make_single_eltorito.c , highlight insert-your-linux.iso name here, right click, paste. Yes, keep the name in (single) quotes.
Exit/save the file.
Open a system/root console. Some distros will allow you to open a root console from within the open window that has your folder showing the iso and the .c script file. If not you will have to navigate to it.
Issue the command 'cc -g -Wall -o make_single_eltorito make_single_eltorito.c' (No quote marks)
Once done, issue the command './make_single_eltorito' (No quote marks.)
That should strip the 64bit efi bootloader from the .iso file.
Insert a blank DVD drive and burn the .iso that is in the folder you created. Double click the .iso and k3b should start up in Linux, for example.
The .c script:
I chose to install 'PC Linux OS KDE5' since I like their menu more than most KDE distros and since I did not like the GNOME-ish menus on the Ubuntu 14.04 MATE {and KDE4} amd64+mac distro. (I added KDE4 to the MATE mac distro after I installed MATE and then switched to it on login.)
When PCLOS asked which bootloader I wanted I choose GRUB instead of GRUB2 since GRUB2 will install the distro in UEFI. (I had pre-formatted my 1TB HDD as GPT in OXS 10.5.8). The GRUB2 version will install the OS in LVM, which is what OSX El Cap, Sierra, et. al., uses and which should allow OSX to auto mount the Linux distro since it will assign an UEFI GUID label.
Those who have tried to install KDE themes under KDE4 and all they got was a beach ball should know that the theme installer works fine with PCLOS KDE5. You could install a few Yosemite themes and you will probably need to swap the buttons manually (unlike Linux Mint MATE where GNOME Tweak will automatically do it with a box check and apply button.)
The one I run/ran is ubuntu-14.04.4-desktop-amd64+mac.iso Just make sure that it says 'amd64+mac' as the descriptor.
Ubuntu's method:
I didn't want to bother with rEFI since I have BootCamp installed.
After it's installed you may have the usual sound, video, wireless, and keyboard problems. For sound you will have to play with the sound selection. I'm still working on getting X.ORG to map the Apple Aluminum keyboard. Heck, even OSX 10.5.8 burps on the Apple Aluminum keyboard..
On my Mac Pro 1,1 I installed an Apple/ATI HD4870 (RV770?) video card and it works fine with most newer distros (but I didn't want to go through the Debian Net install gyrations. Fully how the Debian Jessie distro can't get the HD4870 working but Ubuntu and others got it to work right out of the box. Gentoo was a no-go, too. One big benefit of PCLOS is that there is no sysytem.d. Why didn't I go with Linux Mint? PCLOS is a rolling distro.
After all was said and done I now have Mac OSX 10.5.8, W7Pro, KDE5 and Ubuntu 14.04 MATE on separate 1TB drives.